Proverbs 1:7 - The Fear of The Lord is a Good Thing

Proverbs 1:7

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction.

Lesson Summary

  • Powerful things are to be respected.
  • We respect electricity and are careful around it. We also respect our parents and teachers because they have a different sort of power.
  • Most of all we respect God because He is all-powerful.
  • When we respect someone, our heart is willing to learn from them.
  • We need to ask Jesus to help our heart be willing to learn rather than running to foolishness.


Lord, our hearts can be foolish. Please help us to respect you so that our hearts will be willing to learn from you rather than to run to foolishness. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen!

Proverbs Devotionals

Genesis Devotionals


