Proverbs 20:18 - Seek Wise Counsel

Proverbs 20:18

18 Plans are established by counsel;
    by wise guidance wage war.

Lesson Summary

  • "Plans are established by counsel; by wise guidance wage war"
  • We need other people to apply their God-given wisdom to a situation.
  • It is easy to trust human understanding instead of God's perspective.
  • We need a lot of wise counselors in our life to help us to stop trusting our human understanding and lean on faith, like Team David learned as they talked about how David's heart would have directed him.
  • David faced Goliath, not by his own strength, but but let God fight the battle.


Dear Heavenly Father,
Give us a heart after you.
Give us a heart that trusts you over our own understanding.
Give us a heart that loves you rather than our own selfishness, and give us others who have that same heart who give us wise counsel by the power of the Holy Spirit in any situation we face.
In Jesus' Name we pray,

Proverbs Devotionals

Genesis Devotionals


