Proverbs 16:24 - Gracious Words Are Good For the Soul

Proverbs 16:24

24 Gracious words are like a honeycomb,
    sweetness to the soul and health to the body.

Lesson Summary

  • Kind and gracious words can make someone's heart feel better, like medicine for the soul.
  • Mean words can tear people down.
  • In the real world there is not Kindness Bee Honey to tame our tongue, but God has given us His Holy Spirit, and one part of the fruit of the Spirit is kindness.
  • We need to ask Jesus to tame our tongue, to give us kind words to say that bring healing to the hearts of others.


Dear Heavenly Father,
Tame our tongue with the kindness of the Holy Spirit.
Help us not to be mean-spirited toward others and say words to them that will break them down.
Help us to speak words that will build them up.
In Jesus' Name we pray,

Proverbs Devotionals

Genesis Devotionals


