Proverbs 18:13 - Listen Before You Answer

Proverbs 18:13

13 If one gives an answer before he hears,
    it is his folly and shame.

Lesson Summary

  • We can sometimes be so focused on what we want to say or so focused on ourselves that we speak before we listen.
  • Other times we think we know it all already and spout off an answer without really listening to what people need.
  • We need to ask the Lord to give us hears to truly hear what others are saying and not answer (even in our heads) before we truly hear.


Dear Heavenly Father,
Give us the ability to truly listen to what someone is saying.
Help us not be so stuck on what we are doing that we aren't paying attention to what they are saying.
Lord, help us to answer only after we have listened and not before.
In Jesus's Name we pray.

Proverbs Devotionals

Genesis Devotionals


