Proverbs 20:19 - Beware of Slanderers

Proverbs 20:19

19 Whoever goes about slandering reveals secrets;
    therefore do not associate with a simple babbler.

Lesson Summary

  • We learned that it is best to be careful who you trust with important information.
  • It is also important that, before we share information about someone that:
    • 1. we know it is true and;
    • 2. we ask ourselves if it is our business to share it. 
  • Gossip is spreading hurtful news about someone.
  • Gossip is a powerful thing in our lives.
  • It's hard to stop gossiping.
  • Instead of Gossip, we need the power of the Gospel, the Good News of Jesus to teach our heart how to speak good words about people and not share secrets that would hurt or embarrass them.


Dear Heavenly Father,
Help the Holy Spirit guard our tongue.
When we want to spread rumors or share personal information about someone that would hurt them, help us keep our mouths closed.
Instead of opening our mouths to share gossip, help us instead to share the good news of Jesus.
In Jesus' Name we pray.

Proverbs Devotionals

Genesis Devotionals


