Proverbs 26:18-19 - The Words You Use Matter

Proverbs 26:18-19

18 Like a madman who throws firebrands, arrows, and death
19 is the man who deceives his neighbor
    and says, “I am only joking!”

Lesson Summary

  • Mean words sting just like firebrands, arrows, darts (and even spitballs.)
  • People like to try to cover over mean words by saying they are joking, but in the end jokes can hurt, too.
  • We need to pray that God would help us to have fun without saying hurtful things about another.
  • We need to pray that he'd give a spirit of encouragement to lift others up and not break them down.


Dear Heavenly Father,
When we joke, help us not to joke roughly in a way that stings others.
Instead, help us to have fun without hurting someone in the process.
Give us good and encouraging words and help us lift others up.
In Jesus' name we pray,

Proverbs Devotionals

Genesis Devotionals


